T&N国際社会保険労務士事務所開業のお知らせ/Opening of T&N International Labor and Social Security Attorney Office




代表:弁護士・社労士 長友 隆典
住所:〒063-0811 札幌市西区琴似一条四丁目3番18号 紀伊國屋ビル3階

Takanori Nagatomo, an attorney-at-law, registered as a labor and social security attorney and opened T&N International Labor and Social Security Attorney Office on June 1, 2020.

Recently, the number of enterprises established by international owners in Hokkaido have been rapidly increased as well as the number of international workers also has been increased.
However, we have to say that not all such enterprises comply with the Japanese labor laws while the right of international workers is not always protected by the law.
The reason of such situation is difficulty to understand the Japanese labor law and the number of labor and social security attorneys who speak English is not enough in Hokkaido.

Therefore, we have decided to help such enterprises and international workers so that you can operate their business in Hokkaido safely.
We would like to take advantage of our experience as an international law firm to draw up employment contracts and labor regulations in English, and to actively handle consultations from foreign entrepreneurs and workers.
We also provide the service relating to the application of personnel issues and governmental subsidies and grants.

Please check following web site for more information.

T&N International Labor and Social Security Attorney Office
Address:3-18-3F, Kotoni 1-4 Nishi-Ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 063-0811